
Makhtar Ndiaye : ''je réponds à la cause nationale''

Mardi 14 Août 2007

Tcheuiy yallah. I am diomy and warou. Any vision, any prevention, any , any any....
what a hell is that kind of f.......ing organization. We know all the issues the team are facing, but this kind of event is directly accountable to the leaders, the managers. Makhtar should have better remained assistant manager than player. Everything is messed up in that team. Come on Makhtar , what kind of game are u playing? Being on the court, helping player during practice does not mean that you are ready. You did not participated to any scrimmage and you pretend be abble to compete. Who is leading that team? Maleye or Pape Sow? Where are those coaches? A competition needed to be mentaly well prepared. No improvisation like the amateurs. Sh....!
Damn, with tons of problems in that team, there is only GOD who can help us achieve our goal. Bissimilah. I am starting to pray without being stupid. Daouda faye, nekhoma. Sa kanam nekhougnou. Sa dara nekhouma. Way nekhoma.
Mardi 14 Août 2007

On est dans un site français mon gars
Mardi 14 Août 2007

Entiérement d'accord avec toi Amateur, a part que je ne veux pas que ça dérape, comprend moi SVP...

Mardi 14 Août 2007

matar encore lui thiey yalla founiuou dieume je le voyais venirr
Jeudi 16 Août 2007

je partage l'avis de babacar; soyons derrière eux ou laissez les partir en paix en tt cas ils ont nos prieres et ntre soutien
 la fouine
Samedi 18 Août 2007

matar pour la bonne cause mon cul oueee mais bon , encore bonne chance et esperons qu un de c quatre matin le basket serat beaucoup plus respecté au senegal

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